Do you take collagen daily like I do? If not, here are my TOP 5 reasons why you should start immediately.... #1 - Reduces the appearance of fine lines, stretch marks & cellulite! Our skin is made up of 70% collagen!! As we age, we notice our skin is drier, thinner, not as taught and sometimes more dimpled too. I love lines and dimples on the rolls of a baby but I definitely don’t want the fine lines, stretch marks and cellulite to come a creeping up on me as I age. Who’s with me? Daily supplementation of collagen can offset all of those signs of aging. Thanks to losing our natural “glue”, we are also losing the youthful elasticity our skin once had and gaining appearance of more cellulite, stretch marks and wrinkles. EEK! With dryer skin comes more wrinkles. Dryer skin also means less elasticity and more stretch marks and sometimes even saggy skin. Thinner skin, means more pronounced cellulite because there is less skin for the fat cells to hide under. Collagen combats these outward signs of aging by strengthening the dermis layer of our skin, making it thicker and hydrating our skin from the inside out. Taking a daily supplement of collagen, has been shown to provide a reduction in wrinkle depth. Thicker, more well-hydrated skin, hides wrinkles, stretch marks and as well as hides those dang fat cells all to make our skin more vibrant and youthful. Collagen is known for renewing our cells and responsible for maintaining strength and elasticity. My own results speak for themselves! Look at my before and after picture below. Taken exactly one year apart. There is such a big and noticeable change to the youthful appearance in my face since adding collagen to my daily routine! #2 - Long, gorgeous hair! What else needs to maintain strength and elasticity to look and grow its best? Our hair! Collagen is the most abundant protein present in the body. Just as you need protein to help grow your muscles, your hair needs protein to stay strong, grow and shine! Our hair needs collagen protein to continue to be its best. By adding daily collagen, expect your hair (and eye lashes!!) to grow and regenerate. This is all due to increased levels of collagen in the body that work to strengthen the hair follicles, improving hair growth and strength. Consuming collagen actually strengthens each individual hair and therefore changing the overall volume of hair. Say hello to long, beautiful & voluminous hair! #3 - Weight loss! For decades we’ve been hearing various things about weight loss and have tried it all! I am a firm believe in the tried and true, good old-fashioned way to do it: eat smart and exercise. You guys, I’m a personal trainer and I help people daily with their goals; from fitness plans and training clients (Fitness Plans/PT) or meal plans and nutrition (Meal Plans). The majority of my clients come to see me for weight loss, fat loss and to build muscle! Vital Proteins Collagen is always recommended to their daily routine to meet their health and fitness goals. Adding collagen into your daily regimen will boost your total protein intake. It's as easy as stirring a scoop into your coffee every morning! Increased protein can lead to weight loss. Then add in that collagen is known as the most satisfying, over other protein supplement types you can find in the market. Collagen is known to suppresses your appetite, therefore making you feel fuller, longer, and eating up to 20% less at your next following meal. Therefore hopefully less processed junk and straight up crap is also being consumed while also upping your protein intake! #4 - Reduces inflammation! Inflammation wreaks havoc on our bodies. We’ve all experienced it at some point and it straight up sucks! Adding collagen to your body through daily supplementation is like adding WD-40 to a squeaking door because increased collagen within your body, allows us to glide and move our bodies without pain. Collagen helps to heal our gut and that’s where the anti-inflammation powers come from. A happy and healthy gut, reduces inflammation within your ENTIRE body! A less inflamed body works more efficiently and is less hostile. Daily collagen is known to help alleviate join paint, stiffness, improve mobility, flexibility and reduces recovery time. This benefits athletes and non-athletes alike. We all feel the aches and pains of aging and will all benefit from adding more collagen supplementation to our daily lives. NOTE: If your parents or grandparents have painful arthritis, achy joints or bone density issues, show them how much you care and HELP them feel better by recommending this collagen: CLICK HERE. #5 - Increased metabolism & muscle mass! Yes please!!! As we age we generally lose muscle mass and our metabolisms tend to slow down. Boo. I think it’s safe to say, those who experience this not so glorious side of aging, have decreased levels of collagen and aren’t supplementing right. This is where daily collagen comes in. Collagen is the protein our bodies need to build and maintain various vital parts of our bodily systems, including our metabolism. Collagen helps us consume the most abundant protein our bodies need, promoting the building of lean muscle mass. Higher muscle mass, allows our metabolisms to run higher and burn calories faster. ![]() You guys, taking Vital Proteins collagen daily is simple and the benefits are too good to pass up. I believe in collagen EVERY.DAMN. DAY. I’m pumped for you to try it and report back on your thoughts. If you have any questions, please reach out! There are many products to choose from and I can help you determine which is best for you. Have a kickass day, go lift heavy things and cheers to taking collagen daily! xoxo, Amy
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